Monday, June 27, 2016

4. Wrong Tie Selection

So many men wear wrong tie with their outfits. Choosing a shade and/or pattern that complements your shirt & suit is very important. This ultimate guide to matching shirts and ties will surely help you.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

3. Fastening all Buttons

Buttoning all the buttons of your suit jacket looks stiff. Avoid fastening all the buttons. Always keep the bottom button unbuttoned of your jacket. Here is the complete guide showing “Sometimes, Always, Never” button rule.

2. Mismatches Shoes and Suit

Wrong shoes will kill your whole look. You should match color of the shoes perfectly to the color of your suit. Here are the examples to help you what shoes color goes with what suit color.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

1. Improper Tie Bar

A tie bar or tie clip is a tiny piece of men’s accessory, but add a lot to the outfit. Have a look at the tie bar guide showing the proper tie bar width and where to clip it.